World Breastfeeding Week 2023 and the importance of breastfeeding

This week we celebrate World Breastfeeding Week, dedicated to supporting breastfeeding and raising awareness about its crucial role in the lives of children and mothers. This week starts on August 1st and ends on August 7th, emphasizing the importance of education and support in the field of breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding represents a unique and natural way of nourishing newborns and infants. Mother's milk is rich in nutrients that support proper growth and development of the child. It contains substances that help strengthen the immune system, protecting the child from diseases. Breastfeeding also strengthens the bond between mother and child, positively influencing the mental and physical development of the infant.

World Breastfeeding Week is an opportunity to emphasize that breastfeeding is not only a biological act but also a crucial sociocultural aspect. Support for breastfeeding within the family, society, and the workplace is essential for mothers to breastfeed with confidence and comfort. Offering sufficient maternity leave and the presence of childcare facilities in the workplace are just a few measures that can help mothers balance breastfeeding with work life.

Breastfeeding is beneficial not only for the child but also for the mother. It helps reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as breast and ovarian cancer, and contributes to faster postpartum healing. Additionally, breastfeeding is more environmentally friendly than formula feeding, as it does not produce disposable packaging waste.

During World Breastfeeding Week, various events, workshops, and meetings are organized to inform and support mothers and families in their decision to breastfeed. It also focuses on educating society about the importance of this process.

If you are a future or current mother, keep in mind that every drop of breast milk is of immense value. If possible, try to support breastfeeding and gather information about its benefits and techniques that can assist you during these unforgettable moments with your child.

World Breastfeeding Week is a challenge for all of us to collectively support and protect every mother's right to breastfeed. It is an invaluable gift that provides new life and forms a strong bond between mother and child. Whether you are a mother, father, or compassionate friend, you can contribute to this beautiful challenge by supporting and respecting a mother's decision to breastfeed, thereby contributing to building a healthier and happier society.

As a support for World Breastfeeding Week, there will be a 10% discount on all non-discounted products on our e-shop.

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